Monday, April 19, 2010

Reading Strategies

In order to comprehend and understands a certain text, there are many reading strategies that can be applied. One can simply read and just scanning through the words freely without any guidelines or instructions whatsoever, but with certain strategies, the reading will be of greater purposes and the comprehension can be of deeper meaning. These strategies are not somewhat procedural but as means to further easing the pleasures of reading.
The mother of all strategies is to specify the purposes for reading. This is not to say that reading needs purposes whatsoever to enjoy it, but specifying a purpose for reading is to find the ultimate goal of the reading, be it for the purpose of learning from the texts, to find a certain information, as a source of information or inspiration, or just simply for the pleasures it can bring, that is to simply finish and enjoy certain texts. Pointless reading without purposes may be signs of boredom, fatigue or just passing time. The more purpose one can find for reading, the greater the pleasures it can bring and the knowledge that is gained will be more satisfying.
Sometimes, connecting texts to background knowledge will gratify even more. This is because due to prior knowledge of certain information, the latter reading is easier to comprehend as we can relate to the information. The understanding is wider and one will not be wandering the texts pointlessly without even knowing where the information comes or leads to. Prior knowledge also makes it enjoyable for the readers as they can predict the contents of the texts and also can be surprised maybe by a twist to the plot of a story or by new information related to the background knowledge.
When reading long and complex texts, it is also good to summarised the information from the texts as to understand only the main points to have a better view of the whole perspective of the texts instead of just rummaging through the pages. This is common amongst scholars who are reading through past journals researching for their thesis as they will have more specific information on the topic they are researching. The information will be straight to the point and precise; only the most important parts are taken. There is no need for the whole texts to be draw upon. Time is of the essence and lots of energy can be preserved.
Then after reading a certain text, one can read the whole text again. Rereading is a good strategy to consider for a person who does not have much time and is very busy. They can simply just skimming through the texts the first time around, that is to read it on a fast pace for just the surface of the text without the need to comprehend. The next time they read it is when they will comprehend it much better. One can also reread for the sake of enjoying the texts itself. The texts may be very interesting or it is simply captivating that it requires a second reading or maybe a third and so on.
Last but not least is to reflect on the whole journey of reading and what has been learned from the text. Relations to one’s own experience are also reflected. It is an interesting strategy to apply as it recounts the whole process and recollects the data or information or the story and think of the morale, rationale or the underlying principles it resonates. There also the reason and logic to think of behind the text. There may be subliminal messages under the motivation of the text. To reflect is also to find the foundation and what makes the basis of the text.
These strategies are not somewhat procedural, but to some extent it can be quite religious for a certain people. This not to say that it is bad thing but following strictly to a certain strategy may reduce the whole point of reading, which is the excitement it can bring. As a wise man once said too many formulas kill creativity.

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